Drums & Percussion

Welcome to our forum dedicated to the art of drumming! Whether you're a drummer or percussionist, or simply interested in learning more about drums and percussion, this is the perfect place for you. In this forum, you can discuss everything related to drums, from different drumming styles and techniques to the best drum kits and gear. You can share your experiences and ask questions, as well as learn from other drummers and percussionists. Whether you play rock, jazz, funk, or any other genre of music, the drums are an essential part of the rhythm section. In this forum, you can connect with other drummers, share your favorite drummers and songs, and discover new music and artists to add to your repertoire. Our forum is open to everyone, from beginners just starting out to seasoned professionals. So whether you're looking for advice on choosing the right drum kit or want to improve your playing skills, come and join our community and let's make some beats together!
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